Fabsil - UV-Protector
Fabsil - UV-Protector Imprägnierung - When you want to enjoy the great outdoors, whether camping, hiking or just lounging in the garden, it's important to protect your outdoor gear from the elements. Fabsil UV Protector is your companion when it comes to protecting your outdoor fabrics from the damaging effects of UV rays, water damage and much more. With its state-of-the-art formula and proven performance, Fabsil UV-Protector ensures that your outdoor adventures remain memorable and worry-free.
Sunshine is a wonderful part of outdoor life, but prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage your awning/tent. Fabsil UV Protector offers your equipment robust protection against the sun's harmful UV rays. Its advanced UV blocker formula not only prevents fading, but also extends the life of your outdoor fabrics. Whether you have tents, awnings, boat covers or patio furniture, Fabsil UV-Protector is your first line of defence against sun-related wear and tear.
It is important to clean the tent, awning or sun canopy beforehand and make sure it is completely dry to get the most out of the UV protection. This is where the Tent and Gear Cleaner from Fabsil comes in handy. It makes cleaning easy and effective without damaging the awning.
Fabsil UV Protector is not only effective, but also durable. Its unique formula bonds with the textile fibres and ensures that your equipment, awnings as well as sun canopies remain protected for a longer period of time. Whether you are out in the wilderness for weeks on end or setting up a seasonal outdoor area, you can rely on Fabsil UV-Protector to maintain its effectiveness and keep your outdoor fabrics looking pristine.
VORZELTE-PROFIS TIP : Whether you use an air tent or a pole tent, you can significantly extend the life of your tent with Fabsil. This can also be applied to your outdoor clothing.
Fabsil has been a trusted name in outdoor fabric care for decades. Fabsil products are rigorously tested to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Fabsil UV Protector is no exception. When you choose Fabsil, you choose a brand you can rely on for protection and durability.
This is what we deliver when you order Fabsil UV-Protector online : 1 UV-Protector 1Litre.
- Fabsil Universal UV Protection (waterproofing & UV protection)
- Fabsil Tent + Gear Cleaner (cleaning Agent)
- Fabsil Seam Sealer (waterproofing Agent)
Hazard information Fabsil Universal UV Protection / Tent & Gear Cleaner / Seam Sealer:
- H222 Extremely flammable aerosol
- H229 Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
- H336 May cause drowsiness and dizziness
- P102 Keep out of the reach of children
- P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. Do not smoke.
- P211 Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.
- P251 Pressurised container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.
- P261 Avoid inhalation of dust
- P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area
- P403 Store in a well-ventilated place.
- P233 Keep container tightly closed
- P410 Keep out of sunlight
- P412 Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C
- EUH208A
Ingredients :
Hydrocarbon, C9-C11,n-Alkane,Isoalkane,Cycloalkane, < 2% aromatics