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Exhibition tents, trade fair tents

At camping fairs and in the exhibition of a camping shop, awnings of various brands such as Dorema, Inaca, Wigo, Outdoor Revolution, Isabella, Brandt and also Campooz are displayed. But what to do when the camping exhibition is finished or you need space for other tents. Quite simply, the exhibition tent cannot be sold as new. Although there is nothing on the awning, it was not used for capping. When erected for a short time in an exhibition hall, nothing happens to the awning. On the contrary, you can see immediately if there are any faults or production defects on the awning. If the circumference and size fit, it is far better than buying a used awning on Ebay!

Exhibition awnings at a discount or on sale

At Vorzelte Profis you will always find our current exhibition and trade fair tents in the category exhibition tents, these are used by us for a camping fair or exhibition. Afterwards, they are checked by our Vorzelte Profs team and are then offered online by us in the Vorzelte Profis Online Shop in the category exhibition tents. With a super discount, every camper can get the awning of their dreams for much less than in the catalogue. Of course, the normal 2-year guarantee also applies to Dorema show tents.

Do you have any questions about a display awning? Does the circumference fit, is it suitable for my purpose? A short e-mail (info@vorzelte-profis.de) or a call to +49-(0)6181-257350 will suffice. (Please note that the telephone service is only available in German and English).