Eriba Touring & Feeling awnings, Trigano Silver & Mini,...

Drop Down Bed Caravan - Special awning roof   Bürtsner...

Caravan enthusiasts - Yes...There are tents (Adria Action,...

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Special caravan tents / awnings

Special caravan tents / awnings - There are numerous caravans that do not have normal caravan dimensions. These caravans with special dimensions are called special caravans, whether the piping rail is higher or lower than the standard 235 - 255 cm.  But there are also some differences in the vehicle dimensions of the special caravan tents, for example a piping is missing on the right-hand side (Hobby Beachy) or the piping rail is too thick. (Eriba Feeling) Normal caravans such as Hobby, Kabe, Fendt and Adria etc. have a piping height of 2.35 - 2.55 m, for which the normal caravan tents are designed and also fit perfectly on the caravan. We have special awnings for all these caravans in our Vorzelte Profis online shop. Here is a list and summary of the most important special caravans by category and model:

Drop-down bed caravans - High roof, lots of space - Good drop-down bed tents

The advantages of a drop-down bed are actually obvious: during the day you have the entire caravan living space available for everything you do during the day, in the evening the bed is quickly lowered and sits over the seating area - so you don't have to clear up everything that's on the table and you have the deck decoration and time sheets for the next day immediately to hand. However, we do recommend putting the cream cake in the fridge beforehand. Lift bed caravans have a much higher roof (approx. 255 - 272 cm) than normal caravans. Of course, this also affects the piping rail to which you want to attach your awning or partial awning. The same naturally also applies to all Air tents with full and partial retraction. The group of lifting bed caravans / high caravans includes caravans such as Dethlefs C'Go UP 525 KR - Weinsberg Cara One 390 & 540 - Bürstner Averso Plus 410, 440, 500, 510, 520 & Premio Plus 440, 495, 510 - LMC Sytle Lift 500 K and Hymer Living 550 XL. For all these high bunk bed caravans, we have lifting bed awnings & high caravan tents

Cult status caravans - Eriba Touring & Feeling awnings

The first Hymer Troll caravan was built in Bad Waldsee in 1957. The Troll caravan was the basis for the legendary & successful cult caravans of the ERIBA Touring model series and is regarded as the starting point for a successful company history. The Eriba Touring series also includes the Triton, Troll, Puck 230, Puck L & Pan caravans. And of course all new models from 2022 of the cult caravan Eriba Touring 310, 320, 420, 430, 530, 540, 542, 550, 560, 630, 642. The Trigano Silver caravan and the Eriba Feeling 380 / 425 / 430 / 442 / 450 / 470 touring caravan have one thing in common with the Eriba Touring family: they have a much lower piping height than a standard Hobby or Knaus caravan. Walker uses special rear wall poles in order to have an adequate standing height in the awning and also to be able to get out of the caravan. 

In addition, depending on the year of construction, the Eriba Triton, Troll, Puck, Pan & Familia and Trigano Silver 290, 310, 340, 380 - Trigano Mini Freestyle 290 - Silver Evasion 390 CP - Silver Mini Freestyle 390 - Silver Evasion 390 TDE have different awning heights and the special awnings must be adapted to the different models. Since there are different heights of the piping rail depending on the year of construction, it is important to know the year of construction of the Eriba caravan lovers. But we also have special Eriba Trouring awnings and even Touring sun canopies and Eriba Feeling awnings from various premium manufacturers such as Walker, Inaca, Isabella and Reda.

Caravan Enthusiast - Knaus Sport & Fun, T@B, Adria Action and Beachy

To make things even more complicated, there are also special caravans that require a special awning model due to their special shape and an extra cut. The caravans Adria Action, Knaus Sport & Fun, Kip Kompakt, Kip Vision & Kip Shelter, Hobby Beachy, Niewiando, La Machelle Fantaisy, Liberty, Carpentino 410 and Knaus Tab 320 / 400 should also be mentioned here for the sake of completeness. These caravans are distinguished by their round shape or simply by the fact that the piping rail does not run all the way round. This means that special awnings or special tents are used here, but they also offer the comfort of a normal caravan awning. However, the different piping heights and or the straight piping rail (beachy) of the caravan awnings should also be noted. 

Which awning brands have special awnings?   

You can order special customisations for an Eriba Touring or Eriba Feeling awning online from Walker, Isabella, Reda and WIGO. Drop-dwon bed caravan awnings for Bürstner Averso & Premio Plus are available from the brands Inaca, Isabella, Walker, Reda and Wigo. The traditional Dutch brand Walker also has awnings for Knaus Sport & Fun awnings, Eriba Touring, Trigano Silver, Adria Action, La Machelle Fantaisy 360 CL / 440 CL / Liberty 440 PC / 490 SA - Carpentino 410 and Kip caravan tents. Isabella offers Eriba Feeling tents, T@b, Hymer Eriba Touring, Eriba Feeling, high caravan tents and Adria Action tents.